Sorry for the late post on the blog…uni does get to you! It was suggested to me to look at boldness, especially in Acts. When I googled the definition of boldness, I was given two answers.
1- a willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage.
2- the quality of having a strong, vivid or clear appearance.
These definitions sum up boldness as we know it quite well. In Acts, we see this courage and boldness that Peter and John had (Acts 4:13) Although they were uneducated, they had the boldness to speak for Christ and stand for Him, no matter what persecution they would face. It’s the same in Acts 4:13. We have the same God with us to give us boldness to speak for Him. Have that boldness and courage to stand for the Lord in any situation. He will give you strength.
Once again, let me know what you want to hear for C next week. Comment below or send me an email.