Click on Location for more details

Stockwell Bible Lectures

Andalus Christian Assembly 32-34 Andalus Road, London

4pm  Hansruedi Graf 6pm  Hansruedi Graf Hansruedi intends speaking on 2 John (truth & love), then 3 John (truth & love). Lectures take place in person but can also be […]

Stockwell Bible Lectures

5pm  Ernst August Bremicker Paul's prayers for the Ephesians 6.30pm  Stephen Campbell Paul's prayer for the Philippians Meeting ID: 840 3585 7989 Passcode: 316316 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: […]

Stockwell Bible Lectures

5pm  John Ajami Paul's prayer for the Colossians 6.30pm  Brian Reynolds Paul's prayers for the Thessalonians Meeting ID: 840 3585 7989 Passcode: 316316 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 […]

Stockwell Bible Lectures

Andalus Christian Assembly 32-34 Andalus Road, London

4pm  Paul Dronsfield 6pm  Graham Warnes Lectures are held in person but can also be accessed via Zoom: The zoom details are as follows: Meeting ID: 840 3585 7989 Passcode: […]

Stockwell Bible Lectures

Andalus Christian Assembly 32-34 Andalus Road, London

  4pm  Mark Grasso 6pm  Derek Cooper Lectures are held in person but can also be accessed via Zoom: The zoom details are as follows: Meeting ID: 840 3585 7989 […]

UK Spring Conference

Yarnfield Park Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Kilkeel Conference

Kilkeel Meeting Hall Newcastle Street, Kilkeel


Rickman Drive Hall, Birmingham 27 Great Colmore Street, Birmingham


Tonning Street Hall Tonning Street, Lowestoft, United Kingdom